Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Hamsa Yoga

Hamsa Yoga

Jupiter in its own house or exalted house in Kendra gives hamsa yoga. The native with hamsa yoga will have a handsome body, wealth, virtues, good wife and all comforts of life.  He will have long life span and will be righteous in disposition.
Jupiter becoming paapi and joining paapi, that’s a Yoga Bhanga. The exception here is if Guru aspects those paapis.
When Guru joins them, it’s Yoga Bhanga but when he
aspects them, these paapis will give the results of the Hamsa Yoga – that means he transfers them the power of the result of this yoga, with his 5 or 9 aspects. Papi for Jupiter means from Mithuna or Kanya Lagnas or as Lord of 6, 8, or 12 houses.
Malefics in 5H or 9H from Jupiter will have the power to give the yoga – Jupiter transfers the results of this yoga to them.

1 comment:

  1. My name is sandeep shetty born on 29/03/1979 at 12:20 pm in mumbai do I have hamsa yog
