Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Lakshmi Yoga

                              LAKSHMI YOGA

               Lakshmi yoga indicates immense wealth. There are different types of lakshmi yoas. Some include venus some do not. Venus and ninth lord in Kendra or trine, in its own house, exalted house or mool thrikona  is known as mahalakshmi yoga. Rahu in 6th and Jupiter in Kendra is known as ashtalakshmi yoga. The combination of ascendant lord and ninth lord is another variation of lakshmi yoga. For all these yogas ascendant lord must be strong. In one type of lakshmi yoga ninth lord should be in Kendra, in exalted house or own house and ascendant lord should be strong. The person with lakshmi yoga will be wealthy, noble, learned, a man of high integrity and reputation, handsome appearance, a good ruler and enjoying all the comforts of life.